Tests Snippets

The interest of reusable tests
  • factorize the test database
  • reuse the tests
  • limit scripting to design scenarios

These types of tests are to be used in test plan mode.

Shared data between tests

Add in the cache a new data


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Cache/01_Set_Cache.tux

This reusable test consists of saving a value in the data cache during the execution of a test.

Parameter(s) to configure:

The DATAS parameter contains the list of values to save with the format:

# my comment
[!TO:CACHE:<MA_CLE>:];my value


# Save misc data
[!TO:CACHE:EXAMPLE:];hello world

# Save server information in the cache


It is possible to save several values with this test.

Display a value from the cache


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Cache/02_Log_Cache.tux

This reusable test makes it possible to display the value of a key present in the cache during the execution of the test.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
MESSAGES Contains the list of parameters to log in the test
# display cache

# log timeout input


It is possible to display multiple values at one time

Reset the cache


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Cache/02_Reset_Cache.tux

This reusable test makes it possible to totally empty the cache. No parameters to configure.


This test can be used when several scenarios are chained together in a global test.

Checking a value in the cache


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Cache/02_Checking_Cache.tux

This reusable test makes it possible to check the value in a key present in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
CHECKING List of values to check in the cache

Operators available:

Parameters Description
contains Check if the value contains a string
matches Check if the value matches the regular expression
== Check if the value equals
! = Check if the value is different from
> Check if the value is greater than
< Check if the value is less than
> = Check if the value is greater than
<= Check if the value is less than
# Check if value contains the test string
[!FROM:CACHE:EXAMPLE:] contains test


It is possible to check multiple values at one time

Delete entry from the cache


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Cache/02_Delete_Cache.tux

This reusable test is used to delete a entry in the cache according to the key.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
MESSAGES List of keys to delete
# delete the key EXEMPLE from the cache


It is possible to delete several keys at one time

Basics actions

Hold on a test


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Do/01_Wait.tux

This reusable test allows you to wait for xx seconds while the test runs.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
DURATION duration in seconds

Stop a test


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Do/02_Terminate.tux

This reusable test makes it possible to force the stopping of a scenario on error occurences.


It is possible to customize the stop message by setting the variable STOP_TEST_MSG.

Load test environment


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Do/03_Initilize.tux

This reusable test is used to load the test environment data into the cache (ip addresses, server access account, etc.).

An environment is described with 4 levels:
  • environment
  • cluster
  • node
  • instance

An environment may consist of one or more clusters.

                 "NOM_CLUSTER_1": [ .. ],
                 "NOM_CLUSTER_2": [ .. ]

A cluster consists of a list of nodes.

  "NOM_CLUSTER_1": [
                { "NOM_NOEUD_1": { .. },
                { "NOM_NOEUD_2": { .. }

A node consists of one or more instances.

  "NOM_NOEUD_1": {
                "COMMON": { ... },
                "INSTANCES": {....}

An instance is made up of several keys / values.

                "TYPE_INSTANCE_1": {
                                      "NOM_INSTANCE_1": { ...},
                                      "NOM_INSTANCE_2": { ...}
                "TYPE_INSTANCE_2": { ... }

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
ENVIRONMENT Link to a shared variable or directly contains JSON.

Example of a test environment containing an http server with an instance of type rest. After loading into the cache, the REST instance is accessible by using the NODE_HTTP_REST key. All keys in COMMON are automatically copied to each instance.

    "CLUSTER": [
      { "NODE": {
                  "COMMON": {
                      "HOSTNAME": "httpbin"
                  "INSTANCES": {
                      "HTTP": {
                          "REST": {
                              "HTTP_DEST_HOST": "httpbin.org",
                              "HTTP_DEST_PORT": 443,
                              "HTTP_DEST_SSL": true,
                              "HTTP_HOSTNAME": "httpbin.org",
                              "HTTP_AGENT_SUPPORT": false,
                              "HTTP_AGENT": null
"DATASET": [    ]

The DATASET key can contain datasets.

Data Generators

Hash SHA


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Generators/01_Gen_Sha.tux

This reusable test is used to generate a hash of a value and store it in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
DATA_IN Hash character string
CACHE_KEY Key name
SHA Type of hash realize (sha1, sha256, sha512)

Hash MD5


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Generators/01_Gen_Md5.tux

This reusable test is used to generate md5 hash and store it in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
DATA_IN Hash character string
CACHE_KEY Name of the key or the result will be saved in the cache



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Generators/01_Gen_Uuid.tux

This reusable test is used to generate an uuid and store it in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Paramètres Description
CACHE_KEY Name of the key to save the result in the cache



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Generators/01_Gen_Base64.tux

This reusable test is used to encode or decode a string and store the result in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
CACHE_KEY Name of the key to save the result in the cache
DECODE Set to True to encode
ENCODE To set to True to decode
URLSAFE Set to True if the result after encoding is to be used in an url
STR_BASE64 Character string to encode / decode



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Generators/01_Gen_Gzip.tux

This reusable test can compress or uncompress a string and store the result in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
CACHE_KEY Key name
COMPRESS To set to True to compress
UNCOMPRESS Set to True to decompress
STR_GZIP Character string to compress / decompress

Networks protocols



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Protocols/01_Send_SSH.tsx

This reusable test is used to send a sequence of ssh commands. It is used in conjunction with the reusable test /Snippets/Do/03_Initilize.tux to load an environment into the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
SERVERS List of servers to contact
COMMANDS List of commands to run on the remote machine
TIMEOUT_CONNECT Max time to connect to the remote machine

The COMMANDS parameter is waiting for one or more blocks of 4 lines. Each block must respect the following formalism:

  1. A comment explaining the action, this information is used to initialize the test step
  2. The command to execute
  3. The string expected on the screen, if the expected value is not found then the step will be in error. (optional line)
  4. empty


Each block will be executed even if the previous one is in error.

The following example performs the following actions:
  1. Send 3 pings on the remote machine whose ip is stored in the DEST_HOST cache
  2. Verification of having the message on the screen indicating that the 3 packets have been sent. Then the mddev value is stored in the cache with the STATS key
  3. The second block clears the screen by sending the clear command.
  4. Finally the test is waiting to find the prompt on the screen
# send a ping
ping -c 3 [!CACHE:SVR:DEST_HOST:]
.*3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss.*mdev = [!CAPTURE:STATS:] ms.*

# clear the screen


It is possible to run the test multiple times by providing a server list.


By default, the test waits for a maximum of 20 seconds to find the expected string. This value can be configured with the TIMEOUT parameter.


By default, the test waits 10 seconds to connect to the remote server. This value can be configured with the TIMEOUT_CONNECT parameter.



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Protocols/01_Send_HTTP.tsx

This reusable test makes it possible to send an HTTP request by checking the response received. It is used in conjunction with the reusable test /Snippets/Do/03_Initilize.tux which loads an environment into the cache.

Parameter (s) to configure to set the destination:

Parameters Description
SERVERS List of servers to contact
TIMEOUT_CONNECT Max time to connect to the remote machine

Parameter (s) to configure the HTTP request to send:


Parameter (s) to configure the expected HTTP response (and which will allow to consider the test as valid):

Parameters Description
HTTP_RSP_BODY Body of the expected answer.
HTTP_RSP_CODE The expected HTTP code. 200 by default
HTTP_RSP_HEADERS List of expected headers
HTTP_RSP_PHRASE The expected HTTP sentence. OK by default
HTTP_RSP_VERSION The expected HTTP version. HTTP / 1. [0|1] default


The use of regular expressions is possible to check or save a value in the body of the answer or in the headers.




path of the reusable test /Snippets/Protocols/01_Send_XML.tsx

This snippet enable to send HTTP request with XML in body. The response can be checked too. This snippet should be used with /Snippets/Do/03_Initilize.tux to load the test environment in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure the remote destination:

Parameters Description
SERVERS List of servers to test
TIMEOUT_CONNECT Timeout to connect on the remote machine

Parameter (s) to configure the HTTP request to send:

Parameters Description
HTTP_REQ_BODY Request body
HTTP_REQ_HEADERS List of headers to add

Parameter(s) to configure the expected HTTP response (and the test will be pass in this case):

Parameters Description
HTTP_RSP_BODY Xpaths to check
HTTP_RSP_CODE HTTP code expected. 200 by default
HTTP_RSP_HEADERS List of expected headers
HTTP_RSP_NAMESPACES List of namespaces
HTTP_RSP_PHRASE HTTP phrase expected. OK by default
HTTP_RSP_VERSION HTTP version expected. HTTP/1.[0|1] by default


The test will be failed if the response does not content XML.



path of the reusable test /Snippets/Protocols/01_Send_JSON.tsx

This snippet enable to send a HTTP request with JSON in body and to check the associated response. This snippet should be used with /Snippets/Do/03_Initilize.tux to load the test environment in the cache.

Parameter(s) to configure to set the remote machine:

Parameters Description
SERVERS List of remote machine to reach
TIMEOUT_CONNECT Timeout of connection with the remote machine

Parameter(s) to configure the request to send:

Parameters Description
HTTP_REQ_BODY Request body
HTTP_REQ_HEADERS List of header to add

Parameter(s) to configure the expected response (and the test will be pass in this case):

Parameters Description
HTTP_RSP_BODY List of xpath to check
HTTP_RSP_CODE HTTP code expected. 200 by default
HTTP_RSP_HEADERS List of header expected
HTTP_RSP_PHRASE HTTP phrase expected. OK by default
HTTP_RSP_VERSION HTTP version expected. HTTP/1.[0|1] by default


The test will be failed if the response does not content JSON.

User Interface

Open application in Windows


path of the reusable test /Snippets/UI/01_Win_OpenApp.tux

This snippet enable to open a application on a Windows or Linux machine. The parameter AGENT_GUI must be configured with the agent to use.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
APP_PATH Application path to open

Close an application in Windows


path of the reusable test /Snippets/UI/02_Win_CloseApp.tux

This snippet enable to close a application on a Windows or Linux machine. The parameter AGENT_GUI must be configured with the agent to use.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
APP_NAME Name of the application to close

Open a web browser


path of the reusable test /Snippets/UI/03_OpenBrowser.tux

This snippet enable to open a browser on a Windows or Linux machine. The parameter AGENT_GUI_BROWSER must be configured with the agent to use.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
LOADING_URL Website url to load
It’s possible to select the browser to user, the following browsers are supported:
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Opera
  • Edge


the url must started with http:// or https://

Close a web browser


path of the reusable test /Snippets/UI/03_CloseBrowser.tux

This snippet enable to close a browser on a Windows or linux machine. The parameter AGENT_GUI_BROWSER must be configured with the agent to use.


XML checks


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Verify/01_Check_XML.tux

This snippet enable to check a XML content with xpath.

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
XML_STR raw XML to inspect
XML_NAMESPACES namespaces definitions

Example of value for the XML_STR parameter:

  <City>Le Touquet</City>
  <City>Bordeaux / Merignac</City>

Example of value for the XML_XPATH parameter.

(//NewDataSet/Table)[1]/City  [!CAPTURE:CITY:]

The value will be accessible from the cache with the CITY key.

JSON checks


path of the reusable test /Snippets/Verify/01_Check_JSON.tux

This snippet enable to check JSON content with jsonpath

Parameter(s) to configure:

Parameters Description
JSON_STR Json to inspect
JSON_XPATH jsonpath

Example of value for the JSON_STR parameter:

 "args": {},
 "headers": {
 "Connection": "close",
 "Host": "httpbin.org",
 "User-Agent": "ExtensiveTesting"
 "origin": "",
 "url": "https://httpbin.org/get"

Example of value for the JSON_XPATH parameter.

headers.Connection    [!CAPTURE:CX:]

The value will be accessible from the cache with the CX key.